Good Wednesday Morning.
A couple dispatches from out in the Tinaverse:
Are you listening to yourself now more than ever, or is it just me?
Do you mean following your own advice (or gut instincts)? Or do you mean having an internal dialogue with yourself? Say more!
The Browns are 4-1. And LeBron is still the greatest player in the league / GOAT. Good times.
This will certainly rile some folks in the Tinaverse up, but LeBron is the GOAT and that’s all there is to it.
Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started on today’s questions.
20 days until Election Day.
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Results from October 13, 2020
Question 1: President Trump recently nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a federal judge, to serve as a Justice on the Supreme Court. The US Senate is currently holding hearings to determine whether it will confirm the nomination. Have you watched any of the confirmation hearings?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
60% of Undecided voters and 50% of Third Party voters have watched at least some of the confirmation hearings.
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Judge Amy Cony Barrett should not even be taking place one month before the election. The Republicans are hypocrites and don’t live up to their own standard.
With respect to ACB, Go Irish!
Question 2: Would you like to see the US Senate confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court, or not?
Support for Judge Barrett’s confirmation is unanimous amongst Trump / Pence voters.
Only 14% of Biden / Harris voters support Judge Barrett’s confirmation.
60% of Undecided voters and 75% of Third Party voters support Judge Barrett’s confirmation.
Barrett’s intelligence alone is incredible and is desperately needed on the court with the other 8 legal minds. She has made it a point to clarify that she will not “rule from the bench” and that’s all that we the people can ask from a justice.
ACB's confirmation is obviously heavily politicized. People have been dragging her relentlessly based on everything from her record to her faith without anyone really knowing the woman. Maybe she's the wrong pick for a whole host of reasons, even if those are based on a projected future idea of what her jurisprudence at the SC will look like, but why must we always persist with a relentless onslaught of ad hominem attacks. The dehumanization of the current polarized political environment is shameful and no self-respecting person should be taking part in it.
Question 3: Yesterday, Facebook announced that it will prohibit "any content that denies or distorts the Holocaust". The company will delete any content it deems in violation of this rule. Do you think Facebook is right or wrong in specifically prohibiting content that denies the Holocaust?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Most (80%) Undecided voters believe it’s the right move, while the rest aren’t sure. Half of Third Party voters aren’t sure, with the rest evenly split between “Right” and “Wrong”.
Are you kidding about asking people’s opinion about if they support or oppose Facebook’s decision about the Holocaust. Talk about opening a can of worms. Why would anyone oppose that and who out there in Tina World or the real world believes it didn’t exist?
Not kidding.
while I know the counter argument is free-speech, can we not all agree that facts of history are indisputable and interpretations of those can be subject to free-speech but free-speech to rewrite history is too far. As we've seen, the population at large has difficulty interpreting the validity of data sources and can be easily swayed by the reinforcement of factually incorrect or misleading information by social networks. On the plus side, this offers compelling examples of the need to improve education on data interpretation and statistics.
I'm Jewish and against censorship, period. If idiots want to be ignorant, let them. #1A
No entity, let alone Facebook, should be the arbiter of truth, no matter the topic.
Question 4: On a different note, would you support or oppose legislation that made public all government data collected about UFOs?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided voters are split between “I’m not sure” (40%) and “Support” (40%), with the rest saying “Oppose”. Third Party are evenly split between “Support” and “Oppose”.
Anyone have any good ufo stories? I wish I did.
I wish I did too. I’ve got nothing, though. Does anyone else?
Question 5: Finally, one member of the Tinaverse asked a very specific question about fall flavor preferences. Which fall flavor do you prefer for pies, donuts and other treats: pumpkin or apple?
Apples are the most overrated fruit. They’re nasty.
I think apples really need to have the marketing push that pumpkins have...can we just let apples have September and pumpkins have October??
That seems like a reasonable and agreeable solution.
By listing pumpkin first, I feel you are outright favoring the liberal agenda. They all love pumpkin. Stop being so one-sided.
Apple isn’t even a fall flavor smh found the lib
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.
Today’s title reference: “The Rising” by Bruce Springsteen