Happy Friday!
roasting the crossfitter was great. Why do they run outside when they have a whole gym? Who are they trying to impress? We get it...you work out.....
Hey, these are people who feel the need to comment “#crossfit4life” on a totally anonymous survey, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Before we offend more crossfitting members of the Tinaverse, let’s move on to today’s questions. Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started.
39 days until Election Day.
P.S. We love our crossfitters!
FROST VALLEY!!!😍😍😍 I actually just found my scrapbook (hands down the best school assignment, ever!). Your wife is in some of my pictures lol
I realize this is going to be entirely meaningless to most of the Tinaverse, and we really try to make the Tinaverse accessible to everyone, but to this person, you’re going to have to take some pictures and send them over.
(For folks who don’t know, the Frost Valley YMCA is a camping and educational retreat destination in the Catskills that’s a popular school field trip for middle schoolers in the NY-NJ-CT area.)
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Results from September 24, 2020
Question 1: Do you believe justice has been served in the killing of Breonna Taylor?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided & Third Party voters were evenly split across the options.
Question 2: Would you support or oppose a ban on no-knock warrants?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided & Third Party voters were mostly opposed, with some saying they weren’t sure.
The Breonna Taylor question is a tough one because how would one define 'justice'. Murder charges? According to the law, not easy to do as we have seen with the announcement. Cause for change with police methods? Absolutely
I struggled how to answer the question on justice for Breonna Taylor. I said "no", but I don't think it's because the Kentucky AG made the wrong decision. I think the indictment was correct based on the current unjust laws. So I don't believe Breonna Taylor and her family received justice, but the problem is primarily unjust laws, not an unjust decision. If this doesn't make sense, feel free to delete it!
Question 3: Which do you follow more closely: national news or local news?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided & Third Party mostly follow them both equally, though a few follow mostly national news.
I am very concerned that we can no longer count on the media to report the facts. Depending on the news you read or watch there are specific facts that are not reported depending on the interpretation that the author wants the reader to believe. Can we really trust the media? I think we all know we can’t trust our elected leaders, irrespective of the party. This is getting ridiculous and impacting the stability of our country. Wake up, I am afraid we are being played!
I don’t know that we all believe that. Maybe it’s something we can ask the Tinaverse (or maybe even a question today).
Also, what do you mean when you refer to the “media”? CNN? Fox News? NBC News? The New York Times? The Pottsville Republican Herald? Lots of questions we’ll continue to explore in the Tinaverse!
Speaking from our own family and friends, people who watch local news tend to be more narrow-minded in the sense that they are less willing to look at the big picture or accept arguments as to the global impact of an event or circumstance.
Question 4: Do you intentionally seek out opposing opinions and viewpoints?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided & Third Party said “Sometimes” or “Often”.
Kind of hard to avoid opposing view points when all I need to do is look in the comment section. I can't believe how many Covid deniers and people who don't take things seriously there still are.
Question 5: How do you eat string cheese?
Almost all of the folks who said “Other” said they eat it both ways, including one person who clarified:
Chunks if cold, strings if room temperature
Other thoughts:
Who bites CHUNKS off of STRING CHEESE??? That's inhuman.
24.4% of the Tinaverse, to be exact.
now I want string cheese, thanks.
No problem!
I don't care where you fall on the political spectrum, if you bite off chunks of string cheese you are a monster. It's called string cheese, not chunk cheese.
“Chunk cheese” is not a thing, but “Chuck E. Cheese” is a thing, which reminds me of the depressing backstory of one Charles Entertainment Cheese.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.