April 30, 2020.
Good Thursday Morning. It’s the last day of April, which unfortunately means the *NSync memes and gifs will be out in full force today. Be careful out there.
Personally, I was always more of a Backstreet Boys fan, so I’m a little disappointed this one doesn’t get more airplay.
Anyway, we’ve got some more questions today, so click on the Let’s Talk button to get started.
P.S. A few of you have been asking if all the answers are anonymous. They are. 100% anonymous. I sometimes wish I knew the identities of some of the trolls in the comments section, but that’s the price I pay for having principles.
Results from April 28, 2020
Question 1: Are you looking forward to spending time *away* from the people with whom you’re currently quarantining?
Many folks also shared that they’re quarantining alone, and that they’re excited for any and all human contact. Some of us would like a *little* bit more space, though.
Question 2: Do you believe in ghosts or other paranormal activity?
Interestingly, more people believe in ghosts and other paranormal activity than believe UFOs are alien spacecrafts from other planets and galaxies. Y’all are into the spooky stuff but not the space stuff…
As a reminder, UFO belief is not as widely held amongst our users.
If you’re looking for a paranormal story, here’s one from one of our anonymous users:
A family friend's mom died from corona last week. As our friend was calling around to notify friends and family and set up arrangements, two different people shared stories with him.
First, the banker who worked pretty closely with the deceased for the last 10-20 years, says, "You know, the other night I was driving home and I saw your mom walking your dog. I thought it was a little weird given the pandemic and her health, but it was nice to see her." They haven't had a dog since they were kids... And also she was dead at the time, so...
Next, her old neighbor who has always looked out for her and taken care of her, told our friend, "Last night I had a dream where I woke up and your mom was sitting in a chair in our bedroom. She didn't open her eyes, but she gave me a warm smile."
I bet other people have some corona encounters too!
Question 3: How many times have you filled your car’s gas tank since the quarantine began?
As one person pointed out, “gas is super cheap exactly when I don’t need any!” Umm…
I would also note that, here in New Jersey, we still don’t pump our gas, no matter how cheap it is. (I’m in the 1x camp, and I paid $1.77 per gallon.)
Question 4: Do you have a favorable, unfavorable or no opinion of Congressman (and now Presidential candidate) Justin Amash?
If Congressman Amash wins the Libertarian Party’s nomination, he’ll be on the ballot in all 50 states, but if someone runs for President in the forest and nobody hears him running…
In the comment sections, many folks who are aware of Amash were frustrated by his decision. Biden supporters expressed concern that he’ll steal votes from Biden and help to re-elect Trump. Trump supporters expressed concern that he’ll steal votes from Trump and help elect Biden.
Only one can be true, but I’m not sure which it is yet.
Question 5: Have you noticed shortages for any of the following products at your local grocery store?
Hard to know what’s the result of panic buying vs. real supply chain issues, but it’s impacting a lot of us — particularly on the paper products. (I’ve noticed that it’s been hit or miss with the paper products, and it seems to rotate. Sometimes there are paper towels but no toilet paper, sometimes it’s the other way around.)
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.
Today’s title reference: ""It's Gonna Be Me" (or May) by *NSYNC.