5.12.20: Flyovers and August cruises
Plus cash payments, corporate liability and (of course) masks.
May 12, 2020.
Good Tuesday Morning. Over the last few days, many of you have reached out asking some variation of “How could so many people think…?” The simple answer is: I don’t know. That’s just how people answered.
But the whole objective of this project is to give everyone a fair and equal voice. If you feel your views are underrepresented by our results, don’t fret! Click the Share button and get your politically-aligned friends, family members, neighbors and coworkers to start talking too. (You can share with your non-politically-aligned friends too.)
Until then, click on the Let’s Talk button to get started on today’s questions.
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Results from May 11, 2020
Question 1: How do you view the flyover salutes, whether by JetBlue, the Navy’s Blue Angels or the Air Force’s Thunderbirds?
Many of you wanted to disaggregate the military flyovers from the JetBlue flyover.
The military flyover was cool, but there's nothing exciting about three commercial jets flying far apart overhead.
Some of you also called out the technicality, which is that the flyovers are intended specifically for the frontline workers. (We talk more about this in today’s questions.)
It doesn't really matter how I feel about them because they are not for me - if the first responders feel appreciated by them, that's what matters. Though, I wonder if we could direct some of that $$ used to fuel those events for things like PPE, healthcare, etc. BUT that's maybe another answer for another question??
But some of you really, really didn’t like them.
The JetBlue flyover is one of the most tone deaf publicity stunts I’ve ever witnessed. Low flying airplanes over manhattan is never a good idea.
Question 2: Carnival Cruise announced it would resume service on select voyages starting August 1, and the company was reportedly swamped with bookings after making the announcement. Would you go on a cruise in August?
Despite the surge in cruise bookings, this is probably not the answer Carnival would want to see.
Only 2.7% of people want to be able to say…
(Also, if you think I didn’t specifically ask that question yesterday so that today, I could include that gif and reference that 2009 song from The Lonely Island featuring T-Pain, you’re not thinking. I always go for the cheap jokes, folks.)
Question 3: Should the government institute recurring direct cash payments to individuals until the pandemic is over?
Nearly half of our respondents support direct cash payments to individuals. Upon hearing the results, former Presidential candidate and universal basic income supporter Andrew Yang…
Of course, in the comments section, many of you voiced concerns around *how* exactly we’d go about paying for these direct cash payments. What buzzkills.
Question 4: Do you favor or oppose giving corporations legal liability protections in cases involving coronavirus infections?
This question brought out the comment, which explains the close-to-even split across Favor, Oppose and I’m not sure.
Some of you wanted to make a distinction between customers and employees…
Employees should be allowed to sue (if their employer doesn’t allow them to work from home) but customers should not. They have a choice..employees NEED to work to survive.
Others think there’s some reasonable middle ground:
It shouldn't be sue or not sue. There should be liability when not complying with reasonable practices like any dangerous work environment. Companies can’t fix everything, but they can’t be irresponsible either.
An interesting anecdote from one of our users:
I work part time for a popular coffee company. We are made to sign waivers when we clock in, including "I have not come into contact with anyone who has tested positive for corona virus." Um, with very limited testing and a wild range of presenting symptoms, I find this completely impossible to answer currently. But should you turn around and say, "I got sick at work", you know this coffee company is going to throw those waivers in your face and deny responsibility.
Question 5: Let's check back in on face masks. How often are you wearing a mask when you're in public?
Lots of mask wearers out there in Tinaland, though some of you wanted more clarity around “public” and whether going for a run, walking around your otherwise empty neighborhood or even taking the garbage out classifies as going into “public”.
There isn’t unanimous consent to wearing masks indefinitely, though.
I am wearing a face mask in public now as a show of respect for others. However, I am strongly opposed to permanently living this way.
And some of you have some mask-wearing critiques too.
The best is when you are out in public and someone has a face mask on but...the mask is not covering their nose. What's the point then? It makes ZERO sense to me.
Well, obviously it’s because the masks make it harder to breathe. Duh.
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