Happy Friday.
Today marks 19 years since the events of September 11th, 2001. May we remember not just the pain and loss of that day, but may we also remember the sacrifices made for others and the strength of our shared humanity.
Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started on today’s questions.
53 days until Election Day.
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Results from September 4, 2020
Question 1: For which Presidential ticket do you plan to vote this November?
Carroll / Patel, Hawkins / Green and “I’m not going to vote” also got some support.
Question 2: Do you think President Trump was right or wrong for publicly downplaying the severity of the virus?
There was quite a split here.
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided / Third Party
To all the Trump supporters who give him a pass for not wanting to create a panic, what do you think he’s trying to accomplish with all the “suburbs will be destroyed under a Biden presidency” talk?
Quite a few folks made points similar to the one above.
So now we’d rather have a president who welcomes a national panic in times of hardships rather than a president who stays positive and provides a sense of calmness? I guess we’d take anyone as long as his name isn’t Trump? This is so desperate it’s comical.
I think, in a time of crisis, it's morally critical for elected leaders and journalists to be transparent with the public. In the case of COVID-19 though, I think the dangers it poses to society have been greatly overexaggerated for political gain, resulting in an economic crisis that could potentially cause just as much damage in the long run. In this case, I think Trump was right to attempt to minimize the panic as much as possible. (At risk of being labeled an alt-right extremist, I've been a Democratic voter my entire life, despise Trump for a wide variety of other reasons, and plan to vote for Biden in November).
Question 3: In times of crisis, do you believe leaders should focus on transparency, even if that information might cause public panic? Or should they focus on limiting public panic, even if more information could help change public behavior for the better?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided / Third Party
Seems like a false dichotomy between being transparent and creating a panic. There was basically a panic anyway, even with the lack of transparency. Perhaps the smallest bit of leadership rather than obfuscation would have been better, but instead we ended up with the worst of both worlds. Semi-related - just had to get a COVID test on Sunday and the projected wait time for results was 7-10 days. So now I somehow feel lucky that I only had to quarantine for 4 days before getting my results.
I am definitely pro- transparency even if people freak out at first. I think a ton of our issues in this country in dealing with the virus are due to the fact that messages were intentionally tailored to try to make people behave a certain way (ie telling people masks didn’t work partially due to shortages of masks). Most countries who’ve done well have very transparent public health mechanisms which increase trust.
I just want to say people are resilient. We are equipped to handle adversity. A true leader could accept his own limitations and would surround himself with people who have the strengths he lacks; people who could advise him on how to present delicate information to the American people in a way to shine a light on our strengths, remind us how courageous we’ve been when faced with past adversity, and highlight the successes we’ve shared when we resolved to work together for the greater good.
Question 4: Do you believe journalists have a public obligation to disclose information related to national security and public health as soon as they receive it?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided / Third Party
The idea that Woodward should have released this information earlier is pretty ridiculous in my mind. Not because the information isn't important for people to know, but because it wouldn't have changed a single thing. Trump's supporters wouldn't care, his opponents would go as crazy as they are now, and the only thing it would have done was negatively impact his book sales. Why take the risk?
The Woodward story is a non story and blatant hit piece. Everything trump said at that point he was already doing. I’m expecting a new hit piece on trump every week until the election that literally no one outside the DC bubble cares about. If we want to talk about playing down the virus, Democrats are just as guilty of that with all the time wasted on impeachment.
Bob Woodward was in the middle of a relationship allowing him direct, 1st person access to the President. That would have been destroyed had he released this audio in the middle of that. Cant wait to see what else comes out!
The responsibility of journalists is complicated and applies the same to anyone with a professional or ethical responsibility to confidentiality. Perhaps there is an equivalent of 'duty to warn' for journalists, if not there probably should be. Seems that we have defined those limits for others in law or professional codes. That said, the same principle applies to journalists NOT publishing certain information (which could cause a national security concern specifically), which is the more typical dilemma.
Question 5: Finally, one member of the Tinaverse wants to know: "A friend of mine says when she likes a new song, she'll listen to it on repeat (like all day long). Curious if other people actually do this." What do you say, Tinaverse? When you find a new jam, do you play it nonstop?
Listening to folklore on repeat is everything
This take is so right it hurts.
I used to love playing a new, favorite song all day long when I was younger, especially to learn the words by heart. I thought I was the coolest!
You still are!
New songs: I do play new great songs nonstop... most recently that was Drake's "Nonstop"
But what about Popstar?
I not only listen to a new fav song on repeat, I make my son listen to it and I scream sing it while he’s in the car with me. He doesn’t love it, but he’ll need something to talk to his therapist about when he’s older, right?
Not going to comment on that, but it sounds like… a good opportunity for parental bonding.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
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Have a great weekend, everyone.