Good Thursday Morning.
A reassuring message from the Tinaverse… for the Tinaverse:
Regarding what keeps everyone up at night: I find comfort in history. The more you learn about history the more you realize that these difficult times are not unique and millions of other people, societies and cultures have all endured to this day. Of course things can be scary but I believe we will get through this, just like every other period in history - hang in there!
Cheers to that. We got this, everyone!
Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started on today’s questions.
54 days until Election Day.
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Results from September 9, 2020
Question 1: For which Presidential ticket do you plan to vote this November?
The highest number yet for Jorgensen / Cohen. The rest of the votes were scattered across Carroll / Patel, Hawkins / Walker and “I’m not going to vote”.
I’m voting for Biden because I think it’s the morally correct thing to do. However, I’m terrified this is going to backfire by hurting me or my family financially. As a whole it seems like the country is asking for Trump-hating Republicans to put the good of the country over their individual needs. Our country is more individualism vs collectivism so I’m curious to see how many trump-hating republicans actually follow through with voting for Biden on election day.
Question 2: On a scale of 1 (not concerned at all) to 5 (very concerned), how concerned are you about foreign interference in the 2020 Election?
Trump / Pence
That’s an average of 2.9.
Biden / Harris
That’s an average of 4.1.
Undecided / Third Party
That’s an average of 2.2.
We should try and reach a consensus definition of what foreign interference entails. Does a Russian citizen making a couple memes constitute foreign interference? What about Mexico refusing to manage their border, resulting in huge quantities of undocumented people arriving at our border from other Central American countries, ultimately changing the composition of the American voter base for the foreseeable future? Or China negligently allowing a deadly virus to travel all over the world, ultimately increasing polarization and killing tens of thousands of potential voters? "Foreign interference" is a real concept, but it isn't just a convenient excuse you can lean on when you don't want to come to terms with why Trump actually won in 2016.
There’s a lot there, but tip of the cap to you for even entertaining the idea that we can all arrive at a consensus definition on anything.
The U.S. Select Committee on Intelligence released a 966-page bipartisan report that actually tries to accomplish this by defining and analyzing foreign interference in the 2016 Election. (Also, undocumented people… can’t vote?)
Many of you clarified that while you may or may not worry about foreign interference, you’re worried about various domestic forces trying to interfere in the election in different ways.
Question 3: On a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: There is no meaningful difference between the Republican and Democratic parties.
Trump / Pence
That’s an average of 1.6.
Biden / Harris
That’s also an average of 1.6.
Undecided / Third Party
That’s an average of 1.8.
Democrats are (generally) better on social and environmental issues than Republicans, but at the end of the day, both parties are beholden to large donors and special interests groups, and neither particularly cares about the working class. It’s always funny to hear Democrats called “The Radical Left” when the Democratic mainstream essentially holds a center-right neoliberal corporatist imperialist line and happily moves further right whenever Republicans do.
Question 4: Do you have a positive, negative or mixed opinion of Edward Snowden?
Last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit said the telephone surveillance program disclosed by Edward Snowden violated federal law and may have been unconstitutional. Back in August, President Trump said he’d look into pardoning Snowden.
We wanted to see what the Tinaverse thought.
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided / Third Party
Question 5: Finally, one member of the Tinaverse wants to know. What do you think of salt on watermelon?
A lot of you said that while you don’t put salt on your watermelon, you do mix it with feta cheese.
Why ruin perfectly good salt by adding watermelon? Vile fruit!
If you want to up the salt on watermelon game...try chili lime seasoning on watermelon. 🤤
That drooling emoji might be the funniest emoji of all. Gets me every dang time.
my dad swears by salt on watermelon, i’ve never tried it though. he always credited his craving to farm-life as a youngster. he’s also the tomato sandwich type, so i wonder if watermelon + salt eaters also like tomato sandwiches... or have farm ties... or if they’re all my dad.
What say you, Tinaverse?
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
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