May 4, 2020.
Good Monday Morning. It’s May the 4th, a high holy day for Star Wars nerds everywhere. Many cheap references to “the force” and Yoda in your futures, I do see.
I also want to address the anonymous user who commented over the weekend, “For the record, LeBron is better than MJ! Have a great weekend!” You’re absolutely right, dear reader, and I did have a great weekend knowing that the basketball knowledge of our community is so strong. The King is the GOAT.
We’ve also got a few more questions for today, so click on the Let’s Talk button to get started.
Results from May 1, 2020
Question 1: Has the coronavirus outbreak -- and the response by governments, businesses and society generally -- made you change your views on any political issues?
This is pretty remarkable: nearly 1 in 4 respondents have changed their views on some political issue due to the the coronavirus. We’ll continue to talk about this in the days and weeks ahead to try to identify the issues where those changes are most pronounced.
Question 2: At which level of government do you believe decisions to re-open businesses should be made?
The consensus is that states should be in charge, but there were a number of respondents who clarified that they wanted neighboring states to act together as regions rather than in isolation.
Question 3: If you've been working from home, do you feel more productive, less productive or about as productive as you were in your typical place of work?
One anonymous respondent clarified that while work productivity has declined, productivity in other parts of life have increased. As we’ve talked about previously, something is happening to concepts like “work-life balance” that may not quickly revert to the “normalcy” of the pre-COVID world.
Question 4: Have you been having more vivid dreams during the quarantine?
This question came as a request from one of our users (who kindly peeked from behind the cloak of anonymity to suggest the question, which is always welcomed and appreciated!). There has been some research that suggests stress can cause more vivid dreams, so I’m hoping the 48.6% of you are doing okay.
I don’t typically remember my dreams, but I had one the other night that was rather vivid. I was at some party where I met Barack Obama. He handed me a letter and told me “don’t read this until you get home”.
I woke up before I could find out what it said.
Question 5: On a scale of 0 (the worst) to 10 (the best), how are you feeling overall?
Good news! Our Sentiment Index ticked up again this week. We’re at 7.0.
As always, if you find yourself at the lower end of that spectrum and you’d like to chat, I’m all ears. Take care of each other and take care of yourselves.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.
Today’s title reference: This is our 12th survey.