Good Wednesday Morning.
After the long Labor Day Weekend, we’re back.
As you’ll see in the responses below, the Tinaverse has spoken: wearing white after Labor Day is allowed. So, to those who say otherwise:
Let’s get into it. Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started.
55 days until Election Day.
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Results from September 4, 2020
Question 1: For which Presidential ticket do you plan to vote this November?
Jorgensen / Cohen once again breaks 2%. Also, both Carroll / Patel and “I’m not going to vote” got votes.
Question 2: Do you believe those numbers are accurate (or close to accurate), or do you believe they are overstating or understating the actual results?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecided / Third Party
So the question about the accuracy of the covid reporting was hard for me. I chose understating because I think that a lot more people contracted the virus than we are aware of (think asymptomatic people). HOWEVER, I do think that the death count (specifically in NY) was inflated. Maybe I am a conspiracy theorist, but I think Cuomo padded the death numbers to further justify all of his (admittedly successful) containment efforts.
That was a bit of a journey. Here’s Cuomo’s response to allegations that New York padded its numbers. (There’s been no evidence to suggest numbers have been padded.)
On the first question, I think we are understating the number of infections (since it's not practical to test everyone at all times) but overstating the number of deaths due to co-morbidity.
I said accurate - however if you ask fauci, these numbers are under representative. I don’t want to hear from those who can’t understand the CDC adjustment that reflects comorbidities. Or the changes the CDC was pushed to by the trump administration - for a bunch of conspiracy theorists, they sure did look the other way on that one.
Question 3: What keeps you up at night?
There were some lighter answers, like coffee, Netflix and TV (one person specifically called out 30Rock). There were also some heavier answers, like chronic insomnia, economic insecurity, unemployment anxiety, and dating & relationship struggles.
Despising my job and desperately wanting to leave, but craving the stability it provides in these still uncertain times.
There was also a mix of political and social answers: Trump winning another term, Trump losing his second term, the uncertainty around the virus and its impact on the country for years to come, climate change, racial injustice, civil unrest.
That our country will look like anything resembling a free country when my grandchildren are adults
I am very concerned about the direction of our country. I firmly believe in capitalism but also believe that those who do well have a moral obligation to do for others who are less fortunate. Usually the correct answer is a position in the middle. As a moderate independent I don’t feel I am represented by either party.
What a civil war would look like in this era and how bad it would be.
Polarization eventually leading to civil unrest. Also, the results to some of these Talk to Tina questions...
Some other concerns include:
Figuring out ways to meet new people after just moving to a new city, especially with the pandemic
I’ve moved a bunch in my life, and it’s always hard. Good luck.
How selfish people are. I once had a life coach who told me I cared too much about other people. Well I guess it looked like it in a selfish world like this.
The never ending battle between being thirsty and not wanting to get up to pee.
That’s a struggle I know well.
General anxiety about literally everything
I worry that it’s wrong that I like my in-laws more than my own blood related family. I love them all... but given an option to pick who to spend time with, I choose the family I married into 80% of the time.... sometimes I feel like a traitor.
Whether I'm actually living up to my potential and doing what I should be doing with my life. You know, the normal stuff.
Hang in there, everyone.
Question 4: Is it a fashion faux pas to wear white after Labor Day?
Weather should determine what you wear. You don't wear seersucker in February in Minneapolis because it's freezing and you'd look stupid. It's not crazy to wear seersucker on a hot day in October in Miami.
Question 5: On a scale of 0 (the worst) to 10 (the best), how are you doing overall?
That’s an average of 6.9.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.