June 15, 2020.
Good Monday Morning. Welcome back. The weather here in New Jersey was delightful this weekend, and I hope the same can be said of wherever you are.
Last week, as the country continued to grapple with the killing of George Floyd and the continued protests and demonstrations across the country, we talked about some of the different proposals that have been gaining some steam in our national conversation. We'll continue those conversations.
Today, though, we’ve got some other questions, so click the Let’s Talk button when you’re ready to get started.
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Results from June 12, 2020
Question 1: Do you support or oppose removing qualified immunity for law enforcement officers?
Question 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A portion of legal settlements for cases involving law enforcement officers should be paid for by law enforcement pensions rather than by tax payers.
Question 3: For which of the following elected federal offices would you support term limits?
These numbers are hard to ignore. This question came from a user suggestion a few days ago:
With elections around the corner, I would like to talk about Term Limits. In my opinion having the same representatives in the House and Senate does not allow for a natural progression of our country. We currently have 10 senators that have been in office since before Y2K... in the House we have 62 that would fall in that same category....that’s 13.5% of the Legislative Branch that has been in office for over 20 years.
Our government needs a facelift for so many reason. But one is because everyone is so old.
Question 4: The NBA announced it will resume its season this summer at Walt Disney World. The league will have a "bubble" at the Florida resort, where players, coaches and other league personnel will be secluded from the general population. Anyone who leaves the bubble will not be permitted to re-enter. Would you be willing to quarantine yourself in relative isolation in Walt Disney World for 3-4 months?
It turns out Disney is… highly polarizing?
I’ve been quarantined for 3 months in my one bedroom apartment. I’d kill to be stuck at Disney instead.
Disney is the worst.
Question 4: Do I have to pay for staying at Disney? The answer to that will have outsized impact on my decision :)
It sounds like the journalists and sports writers who will be covering NBA games will have their food covered but will not have their lodging covered by either the NBA or by Disney. So should we put you down as a no?
The last question about quarantining myself at Disney World may have bumped my sentiment rating up a notch. Fun question :) !!
Question 5: On a scale of 0 (the worst) to 10 (the best), how are you feeling overall?
The Tina Sentiment Index has increased again to 7.1.
The 1-10 scale is inferior to the 1-6 scale.
What about the 1-5 scale? Or even the 1-4 scale? ;)
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.