June 2, 2020.
Good Tuesday Morning. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and well.
From one of our anonymous users:
I love and appreciate all Tina users for participating and answering questions even when the questions are hard and it so easy to distract oneself with other things. Just want to say thanks to the Tinaverse.
So do I. More than I can convey. Thank you for making Tina a part of your day.
How many of your readers recall the turbulent '60s, including protests, riots, and trips to space?
I don’t know, but we’ll find out today. Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started.
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Results from June 1, 2020
Question 1: With which races and ethnicities do you identify?
There is no way around it. The Tina community isn’t yet reflective of the country, and that’s a problem. As I said yesterday, it's my responsibility, but I hope you’ll help me.
Question 2: Did you participate in any protests over the weekend?
If corona wasn't still a thing (and if I wasn't working) I would've gone to the protest. I've donated to the Aclu and bail funds. I was running a meeting last night and made sure to tell all my coworkers if you need to talk or vent reach out.
Does posting your outrage on social media but doing nothing else diminish the real issue?
It troubles me that the protestors that effectively become rioters ruin the message for the peaceful among them. How can we expect race relations, particularly between the black community and the police, to improve when there are people who turn peaceful demonstrations into riots and force the police to get involved and make arrests? I don't know what the answer is, but I thought it was worth bringing up.
I cannot physically participate in protests at this time due to health reasons, however, I did make a donation to an anti-racist organization.
How will this all be resolved? Will the protests/riots ever end? That’s what’s on my mind. When will we see change? What will that change be? All unknown, but I feel like that it’s going to happen somehow, some way.
Question 3: On average, how similar or different do you believe the black experience in America is from the white experience?
My grandchildren’s godfather is African American. He makes a conscience effort to wear pastel colors so as not appear threatening. He’s a mountain of a man and very dark black. Internally he is about as aggressive as Bambi.
Question 4: Do you believe President Trump is demonstrating leadership amidst this unfolding social crisis?
Question 4 strikes a nerve. Our president turned the lights off at the White House and was taken to a bunker last night.. that should tell you everything you need to know. In his position, he should attempt to unify our country instead of remaining silent or tweeting “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”. He’s a shmuck of a man, who’s cowardice during this time will be his lasting legacy.
President Trump is dealing with so many different issues right now. I think his main issue is getting vaccine research and of course, our economy. In my opinion, the economy should be one of the top three things he needs to have his focus on because without the country will fall apart. Yes, the other issues are important also but sometimes you have to prioritize. But when it comes down to it, he could wave a magic wand and make everything rainbows and sunshine and would still not be treated with respect nor be commended.
How is tweeting racist, inflammatory quotes from the 60s (“When the looting starts, the shooting starts” showing leadership? How is berating governors as weak, when they are struggling with Covid-19 and protests, showing leadership? As a leader, he should try to calm things down, not ignite them.
It is quite ironic that many Americans who do not support President Trump often accuse him of being dictatorial, yet when we have a crisis, such as COVID or the numerous violent acts currently occurring across the nation, he is accused of not doing enough. It seems to me President Trump is truly honoring the federal system we have in America and giving the governors and other local leaders the power to make their own decisions, the decisions they believe is best for their specific states or communities. Make up your minds: do you want a president who makes decisions for all or one who allows local leaders to demonstrate their leadership abilities?
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.