June 3, 2020.
Good Wednesday Morning. We’ve got a couple mailbag messages today. If you want to skip straight to today’s questions, click the Let’s Talk button to get started.
It's really interesting to see the racial background of the poll takers. As one of the 2% of Asian participants, I wonder what purpose this poll is serving other than white people validating other white people. Makes me question how a medium like this poll can potentially be used to help give voice to POC who are either less willing to participate or don't have the opportunity to?
First of all, thank you for being here and for participating. Thanks also for your great comment and question. Right now, for all its lofty ambitions, Tina is falling short on its mission of connecting more people to the political conversation and giving more people, particularly those who are not heard, a platform to share their voice without fear of retaliation or retribution. We’re still small, but we’re constantly growing. We need to do better. I need to do better.
Public opinion drives a lot of the way we talk about politics in this country. It quantifies what’s possible, what’s not and what people are thinking — even if they don’t share it publicly on social media. As powerful as yesterday’s #BlackOutTuesday was, it’s emblematic of how noisy and distracting social media can otherwise be and how difficult it can be to breakthrough.
If people are not willing or don’t want to participate in a platform like Tina, then I understand that. We’ll always be here if and when those folks change their minds and want to join.
If people don’t feel they have the opportunity to participate, though, that’s a different story. That means they either don’t know we exist (which is bad) or don’t feel welcomed and comfortable joining (which is 100x worse). The first is a problem, but the second would cut to the core of the mission. This exists to give a voice to everyone — but especially the voiceless, especially the unheard.
How do we diversify respondents??
This gets to that point our other anonymous user raises about folks not having the opportunity to participate. We have to bring the conversation to the people, wherever they may be.
You probably came to Tina through social media (one of my original posts or one that someone else shared) or by a friend’s recommendation. That gives a good starting playbook. Folks are always going to trust their friends and family members more than a random post on social media, so, as always, I ask for your help in sharing.
But the problem is bigger than that, and I’m thinking a lot — and listening a lot — to figure out ways we can diversify our user base and make it look more like America. I’m always open to thoughts from the Tinaverse.
I’m still processing all that’s occurred. I can’t wrap my head around it. It’s difficult to concentrate.
I don’t think you’re the only one.
You're ignoring me so nothing today, friend.
I’m not ignoring you! I promise. I always read all the comments, but I can’t always share them all. But I’m glad you’re my friend. Where the hell were you when I was in high school?
This platform is full of liberals. Trump walked across the street in DC to the “church if the presidents”. If this doesn’t display courage, you’re head is deep in the ground. The democratic mayors and governors are the ones that are being soft and they don’t want to show any signs that they will accept And use President Trumps offer of National guard intervention The dems are happy with watching our country burn to the ground. Very sad JJ. You should ask about Antifa tomorrow.
If you think so, I hope you help us reach more people with different views. (Just click the Share Tina button below.) But thanks for being here. I appreciate it.
Ready for today’s questions? Click on Let’s Talk to get started.
Results from June 3, 2020
Question 1: In your own recollection, how does the social unrest we're currently experiencing compare to that of the 1960s?
About 16% of our user base remembers the 1960s, and they think it feels worse.
It’s normal to be adverse to violence, which is why I think people are so focused on vilifying rioters. What those same people don’t realize is that these riots will never ever add up to the violence that has been perpetrated against black people in America since the dawn of this country.
Question 2: These next two questions come from a reader suggestion: Have you had a conversation in the last few days regarding the social unrest in our country where *you* have changed *someone else's* mind?
Thanks again to the reader who suggested this question. There were a lot of comments about it, which means it struck a chord with the Tinaverse.
I answered yes to the changing someone’s mind question because I am an educator who is discussing these events with students. They are coming to me with questions and confusion and I’m offering perspectives and information that helps them make up their minds. I think that counts.
I have not *yet* had a mind changing conversation, but I have done thinking and journaling around my own privilege and have worked with other moms to be accountable to raise anti racist white children. It’s not mind changing, but it is elevating our consciousness as privileged people. I have attempted to constructively call our racism in my family and that conversation is ongoing. It remains to be seen if it will change a mind.
My conversations haven't been those that have been with the goal of "mind changing," as I feel that I have a fairly middle of the road view of this issue that can be discussed from both perspectives. We have a problem, and we need to work to fix it, but I'm not entirely sure what the solutions are. Then again, isn't that the conversation we should be having?
For question 2 - I have had conversations where I hope I was able to inspire or change someone's mind but it is hard to know for sure. I said "no" but perhaps more a "maybe" in reality. One can hope
Question 3: Have you had a conversation in the last few days regarding the social unrest in our country where *someone else* has changed *your* mind?
My family generally remains quiet about difficult issues. I am more politically active and more of a vocal ally then they are. However, I went to visit family for a socially distant beer to discuss the current state of America, and those who had previously shrugged off the reality of systematic racial injustice were fired up this time. They were disgusted by the inhumane torture and murder of a man shown across their TV. They were ready to talk. They were ready to listen. America may be in a state of disorder, but I am cautiously optimistic that this chaos will change hearts and minds. That in no way means that systematic change will come any time soon. But we need to have an army to demand that change, and a few more soldiers can't hurt.
Question 4: Do you believe fatal encounters between black people and law enforcement are isolated incidents or signs of a systemic problem?
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.