Good Thursday Morning.
It gets a little weird in the comments, and sometimes folks just throw random stuff out there like:
I love MarioKart
If you mean MarioKart 64, which I can only assume you do, so do I.
Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started on today’s questions.
61 days until Election Day.
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Results from September 2, 2020
Question 1: For which Presidential ticket do you plan to vote this November?
All getting some votes: “I’m not going to vote”, Jorgensen / Cohen, Carroll / Patel and Hawkins / Walker.
Question 2: While we all care about so many issues, what three (3) issues from the list below are the most important to you as you decided which candidates to support this November?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecideds / Third Party
Some comments:
How come education wasn’t listed as one of the choices regarding voting?
I did not pick 'Abortion' but I would have chosen 'Women's Rights' - it's bigger than abortion. it's about a woman's right to do whatever she wants with her body. ya know... that right that all men have.
I think I commented this last time, but abortion is healthcare. They shouldn't be separate choices.
I recognize many do not consider Foreign Policy a critical issue but I believe it to be foundational to all else. It’s complex but if we look at history our Foreign Policy is an extremely far reaching aspect of politics, to include domestic politics.
At the risk of being an alarmist, we need true leadership during these times to mend the fissures in the world order and set an example - because there are a lot of parallels to 100 Years ago and I’d like to avoid repeating what happened 80 years ago - it requires brave leadership and historical intelligence, both of which we lack today. I’m a conservative who is not entirely sure who I’ll vote for but it will NOT be Trump.
Question 3: Do you believe Antifa should be designated a domestic terrorist organization?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecideds / Third Party
Some comments:
Antifa is a classic example of how bad liberals are at branding. Anti Fascists. Last I checked, we fought (and won) a recent World War against a fascist regime. We are supposed to be against fascists. But "Antifa" sounds like something unknown and spooky. Let’s also fact check the violence and death inflicted by anti-fascist protests compared to right-wing extremists...
Anti-fa isn't exactly a real organization. There's no leadership. Its a term used for those who are anti fascist. If you want to make that a terrorist organization you better add the kkk and white surpremist groups (who actual have killed people) first.
On the Antifa question, yes they should be labeled a domestic terrorist organization. They have been operating for the last few years, especially in Portland, and have hurt people through fear and intimidation. People’s rebuttal to this is making the KKK a domestic terrorist organization. The KKK only has about 20,000 members in the entire country so I think they’re the least of people’s concerns. Plus the government already watches them and they have some 1st Amendment protections as well
Most estimates actually put the KKK’s numbers even lower. Still, they’ve caused real fear and intimidation in the lives of many Americans.
Question 4: Armed militias have been showing up at protests. Do you believe those armed militias do more good or more harm?
Trump / Pence
Biden / Harris
Undecideds / Third Party
One point of contention here was around the wording of the question. Some felt “armed militias” is an unfairly pejorative and misleading way to describe those folks:
So people showing up with guns to defend private property because the local government won’t let the police do their jobs are armed militia and the people looting, burning, and assaulting are peaceful protesters? Some days I feel as though the world is totally upside down. I’m living in the Bizarro World.
"armed militias have been showing up at protests" strikes me as a bit of a biased framing for that question. would you have put out a question prefaced "citizens put their lives on the line to defend their communities from domestic terrorists posing as protesters"?
the way we describe these events seems to be tied to the media we consume and the way *other people* describe these events to us rather than to our own empirical first-hand observations of these events.
Question 5: What do you call this type of sandwich?
The most popular “other” name: the Wedge.
I grew up in Westchester & Dutchess county. We call italian combos, meatball subs, etc... Wedges! If it's on a long roll/ baguette type of bread, it's a wedge. The term wedge is used in Westchester County, New York, Putnam County, New York, Dutchess County, New York, and Fairfield County, Connecticut – four counties directly north of New York City.
Ugh I answered the last one hoagie despite my north jersey roots. I’ve been thoroughly philly-Fied I guess.
But the real question… are you an Eagles fan now? #FlyEaglesFly
If I was king for a day, or life, I would ban the use of the ridiculous terms Hoagie and Grinder. It's either a sandwich or a sub. All subs are sandwiches, but not all sandwiches are subs, but neither sandwiches nor subs are ever (need emphasis on ever) Grinder's or Hoagies.
Oh. Well then.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.
Title reference: “Thursday’s Child” by David Bowie.
Current mood: