Good Monday Morning.
A suggestion from one member of the Tinaverse:
In these unsettling times we all could use a friend.... may I seriously suggest to the Tinaverse that adopting a Dog or Cat could help anyone that is still feeling alone. Also adoptions are down and some of those “kill shelters” are over populated due to the pandemic.
It’s the last day of August — and the beginning of (unofficially) the last week of summer. Each day, from now until November 3, we’re going to start each day of questions with a simple one: for which presidential ticket do you plan to vote?
We’ll get to track if and how things change in the Tinaverse between now and the election. We’ll also get to better understand the differences — and the similarities — in how we’re all viewing the world.
Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started.
64 days until Election Day.
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Results from August 28, 2020
Question 1: Have you watched either of the conventions?
Over 50% of the Tinaverse watched at least one of the National Conventions.
Regarding the conventions, I did not watch the entire convention for either party but made it a point to watch speeches from some of the speakers of the different parties.
What are you going to do/watch to avoid all the negative political coverage over the next 2 months?
Question 2: How, if at all, did watching either convention impact the way you intend to vote in November?
The 0% is striking, but perhaps it’s a good reminder.
There are many Republicans in office as well as voters who wish to see reforms as well. I think we need to start listening to each other more. I’ve had my eyes opened to many things this summer and I want to be welcome in a movement for justice but don’t want to have to leave my conservative values at the door.
Question 3: Would you support or oppose a government relief fund that provided payments to landlords facing budget shortfalls related to the coronavirus pandemic?
I'd support a break for residential landlords in the hopes that it would incentivize them to provide some solutions for tenants that are unable to pay their rent at this time.
I don't support giving just landlords relief because that is such a small, specific group. So many people need help, so I think it needs to be broader, like the stimulus check, and let people spend it in the way that is most appropriate for them.
Banks should provide mortgage relief, not the taxpayers. It’s time for the federal government to wrest back control of the country’s economy from the global financial sector, which always capitalizes its profits while socializing its losses.
Question 4: Which of the following best describes how your child (or children) will attend school this fall?
I am a psychologist in a school - I think we need to be really careful about how we talk about school re-entry. Yes, there are a lot of social aspects of schooling that children benefit from; however, many of those social interactions will be limited, changed, or entirely absent with the new in-person regulations. Have you been in a school and seen how they look lately? It can be intimidating and scary for kids.
Additionally, we need to stop the "all or nothing" conversation around virtual learning. Some kids are THRIVING with virtual learning, while others are really struggling. Every child is unique. I personally think we screwed up big time in March. If we had completely shut down across the nation, we wouldn't be struggling the way we are now. Sending kids back to school is not going to look the way parents think it will (I don't want my kids in school, but their mom does so they are doing half and half), and it will not have the same social benefits as a typical school year.
And please, go easy on the teachers. They are doing their BEST and receiving so much backlash from parents who want things done *their* way.
Question 5: Which of the following best describes **how you would like** your child or children to attend school this fall?
Question 6: On a scale of 0 (the worst) to 10 (the best), how are you doing overall?
The Tina Sentiment Index clocks in at 6.9.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.
Title reference: “Summer Wind” by Frank Sinatra