Good Tuesday Morning.
Nearly every day, someone writes “Stay well!” in the comments. I don’t know if it’s the same person or the same group of people or someone different everyday, but whoever you (or all of you) are, thank you. Same to you.
It’s the last day of June — and the last day of the first half of the year. What a doozy. Here’s to hoping the second half is smoother sailing.
Today, we’ve got some questions asking whether the United States should ban TikTok, fireworks (“Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?” Okay, not those fireworks), America’s place in the world and a fun user-suggested question about the best fast food french fries. Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started.
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Results from June 29, 2020
Question 1: Since the coronavirus pandemic began, have you been using cash less frequently because you're concerned about contracting the virus?
Many of you shared that you had stopped using cash long before COVID, so fears about the virus didn’t really have any impact. Still, over a third of our user base uses cash less frequently because of the coronavirus.
I never use cash unless I have to. I like getting points from using a credit card.
Question 2: If these reports are true, do you believe the United States should consider retaliating against Russia?
Regarding the Russia question... I think we should retaliate, but not with military force. Our soldiers have given enough, don't you think? When my husband deploys, I should never have to worry that the PRESIDENT would be a traitor and allow my loved one to die just so he doesn't ruffle some Russian feathers. Trump is a traitor to this nation. What should really happen? Impeach and REMOVE trump. Has anyone ever been impeached twice? Hmmm... we have a few months left to make history.
Politics aside, thank you to your husband (and to you) for the service and sacrifice.
Any judgments about "retaliation" against Russia based on open-source reporting shouldn't be expressed beyond principle. The specifics matter in both these actions and their responses.
Question 3: Do you support or oppose banning violent video games?
People are still arguing about violent video games? Is Tipper Gore a Tina user?
This is a deep cut reference, and I’m so here for it.
Re Q3: Treat violent video games like R rated movies - under age folks not allowed to purchase without parental consent.
In regards to the question on violent video games, I heard a very interesting take on this when I was in college. My professor said a "classic game" like Risk may, on the surface, seem harmless. However, the goal is to take over the entire world through the use of military force/invasion in Risk which is quite devastating but does not actually show the acts of those invasions. Violent games like Call of Duty or other ones like that actually put the players on the front lines and show the devastating effects war has on not only other players but also the areas which are war-torn. This is actually a more accurate representation of these acts of violence and what happens during war, while Risk glosses over the details. He argued that these violent games can teach people about the violence that guns and military force can cause and educate them while a game like Risk only focuses on the end goal of world domination without showing the players what actually goes in to these types of situations and the consequences of these acts of violence and war.
Question 4: Today is June 29. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, do you feel more safe, less safe or about as safe going into public as you did two months ago (on April 29)?
Whether you feel more or less safe in public compared to two months ago is some combination of a variety of factors, including (but obviously not limited to) the severity of the pandemic, your understanding of ways to remain safe in public, your perception of how other people act in public and how normal the whole ordeal of being in public feels. It’s interesting to see how the different factors influence different people’s feelings.
I felt really scared in March and April about going out in public. That feeling has gone away, but there are still a lot of public situations that I do not think are safe.
I definitely feel less safe going out in public now because in April, people were largely staying home. Now they’re clearly starting to let their guard down despite ample evidence that we’re nowhere near out of the woods yet.
I feel fine going places that are outdoors but I had a beer inside last week and it gave me the willies.
People acting like babies w wearing a mask are going to make it so we get locked down again. I saw a meme that called the US the Veruca Salt of countries and its so true.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
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