Good Wednesday Morning.
What are the issues that motivate you and the way you vote? What gets you to ballot box? (Or what gets you to mail in your ballot?) We want to know!
We’ve also got questions about campaigning in the age of coronavirus, President’s Trump about face on face masks, the new COVID data reporting structure and, believe it or not, how a dog would wear pants. Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started.
Editorial note: One user submitted a long, thoughtful comment yesterday about values, personal moral behaviors and social redemption. If you’re that person, and you feel comfortable giving up your anonymity, please reply to this email or reach out in a different way. I’d love to chat about ways we could ask these tough but important questions of the Tinaverse. If you don’t feel comfortable coming forward, I certainly understand. Thank you for your extraordinary contribution regardless!
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Results from July 21, 2020
Question 1: Given what you've heard or read about it, do you have a favorable or unfavorable view of the Black Lives Matter movement?
Though a majority of the Tinaverse has a favorable view of the movement, the comments, including from those with a favorable view of the movement, added some additional context.
Some expressed disappointment by what they felt was limited pushback by organizers against anti-Semitic comments made recently by some celebrities. Others lamented that the movement is not going far enough in its objectives, noting that it should also focus on other inequalities, like underperforming schools and access to adequate nutrition.
Most people reported that 2020 has also been reinforcing:
66% of those with a favorable view of the movement say their opinion has gotten more favorable since the beginning of the year
70% of those with an unfavorable view say their opinion has gotten more unfavorable.
Question 2: How would you describe your overall lifestyle since the beginning of the pandemic?
It goes in waves for me, I have bouts of stress eating and drinking then I'll go on a few weeks detox of exercise and diet, then usually fall back into so unhealthy habits. It's a mix.
Less healthy because although I’m now doing yoga with more frequency than before the pandemic, not getting out of the apartment with the same frequency means I am sitting way more.
Question 3: How much do you trust what President Trump says about the coronavirus pandemic?
This is an average of 1.6. That is… not great for the President.
Is the president returning to briefings to boost his approval ratings?
everything out of the mans mouth is a lie. if you still believe a single word he says at this point i’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you 😂
There have been numerous credible and non-partisan sources that have fact-checked Trumps statements. I wouldn't trust anything he has to say without fact checking first. Even some of his own "presidential order" have proven unconstitutional and have had to been quietly rolled back because he doesn't even know what he is and isn't allowed to do.
These train wreck conferences better not interfere with my jeopardy time. Bad enough I get the political ads now...but they've started attacking each other so it is a little less painful.
Question 4: Would you be more or less likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine if it were developed by a Chinese pharmaceutical company?
I wouldn't care where the vaccine is developed as long as it is approved by the US FDA. If it will help people not die, then I'll be signing up.
Sure, as long as it's FDA approved. Many of our prescription drugs are from China already.
I’d like to think that the government would carefully vet any vaccine regardless of national origin. The pressure seems so high that I’m worried that regulators would expedite any potential vaccine though.
Question 5: Chunky or creamy peanut butter? (And no, you can't say both.)
Chunky and creamy peanut butter are both good.
Peanut-butter: the case for creamy. As a self described pb addict I must say that creamy is the way to go. Such a versatile and spreadable product, it works in every situation. Creamy is especially great if you care about your portion size, every tbsp will be the same. This is harder to achieve on a consistent basis with chunky. I have found no situation where chunky works but creamy does not. I can see the merits to chunky, but in total those benefits do not outweigh the benefits of creamy.
You’ve had this argument before, haven’t you?
Really depends on your specific usage of PB! I would think most prefer the texture of chunky, but it’s difficult to spread.
Fair point!
The peanut butter debate is so real in my house, but since I do the grocery shopping this house gets creamy ONLY and I maintain that crunchy is absurd.
“Absurd” is a bit strong, isn’t it?
Chunky tastes better but is harder on the stomach. TMI
We’ll allow it.
People who like chunky peanut butter probably don’t use the Oxford comma. Heathens!
That take is misguided, offensive and wrong.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
Click on the Let’s Talk button below to get started.