Good Thursday Morning.
What are peoples favorite "2020 themed" songs? For example songs about covid, current state of the world/politics etc.
Two that immediately come to mind are “Six Feet Apart” by Luke Combs and “Quarantine” by blink-182. Certainly other members of the Tinaverse can think of some more.
I wonder when people think we’ll know we’ve elected a new president, since it likely won’t be Thursday.
How long do people think it’ll be before we have a confirmed winner? What do people think the chances are that we have a repeat of 2000?
According to the results for Question 6 from Tuesday’s conversation, over 57% of the Tinaverse expects we’ll know by the end of the week.
Thanks for asking my question!
Thanks for suggesting it!
The dude abides
Is November 1st the first official day of Christmas music season?
Slow down there, friend. You’re getting ahead of us. (Check out tomorrow’s questions…)
But first, we’ve got some questions for today, so click the Let’s Talk button to get started.
5 days until Election Day.
Happy Birthday, EDH.
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Results from October 28, 2020
Question 1: With under a week to go until Election Day, have you already cast or mailed-in your ballot?
Wondering what other bombs will be dropped or attacks launched by next Tues. Also curious to see how voter turnout shakes out. On one hand it seems like its way up but I'm curious if fewer folks going to vote on election day in person means the estimates are high.
According to the US Elections Project, as of this morning, at least 77 million have already voted in the 2020 General Election.
Question 2: One member of the Tinaverse is wondering: Did you experience any issues or problems with casting your ballot, either by mail or in-person?
Overall, most folks have had smooth experiences. For those who haven’t, most issues were related to the waiting lines, with some members of the Tinaverse reporting lines of up to 3.5 hours. Some other snafus:
Absentee ballot went to my residence but I am temporarily elsewhere for work. She mailed it to me about two weeks ago and it has not arrived yet. I sent the FWAB in lieu of the state issued ballot.
For reference, FWAB is the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot.
I initially got a ballot with someone else's name on it, but they eventually mailed me a new one with the correct name.
My name was spelled wrong on the ballot that was sent to me. It took three phone calls to the town hall to get it sorted out, but eventually it worked out fine.
I never received my mail in ballot in the mail. I called the county elections office and they said they would send me a duplicate. A few days later the duplicate wasn’t in the mail so I called the elections office again. The woman I spoke to was very nice and said I could come pick it up in person if I would like. So I did. Then received the first duplicate in the mail the next day. But still never received the original ballot in the mail. I realize this is really not a problem compared to the obscene amount of hours people are spending standing in line to cast their vote but it was a small annoying glitch nonetheless.
I never miss an election - I don’t just vote in the presidential elections - so if I hadn’t been able to vote, or was forced to cast a provisional paper ballot on Election Day due to never receiving my mail in ballot, I would have been extremely frustrated to say the least. Especially in this election. It’s too important. This is NJ by the way, where every registered voter was automatically sent a mail in ballot.
Our county allowed absentee voting with no excuse but asked every one why they were voting. This totally slowed the process because no one needs to know about Aunt Sue's Hip replacement for 20 minutes while 300 people are waiting in line trying to avoid covid from chin diaper people.
I was today years old the first time I heard the term “chin diaper”, and I’m wondering how I’ve lasted this long without it. Either way, wishing Aunt Sue the very best with her hip replacement. ;)
Question 3: One member of the Tinaverse is wondering: Do you believe the Executive Branch, including the Office of the President, has too much power?
Question 4: Many folks out in Tinaverse have been asking some form of this question for the last few weeks. How concerned, if at all, are you that there will be violence and social chaos following the election?
I was actually thinking of a quick getaway the weekend after the election but have decided against it because if Trump is re-elected I’m fearful the Liberals will go crazy. I’m also concerned because I have a family member vacationing out of state and hope it doesn’t become a war zone.
What will you do if you feel your candidate should have won, and is unable to become the next president because of fraud or interference?
I’m very concerned about civil war.
Question 5: Finally, many members of the Tinaverse have been wondering: Do you plan to give out candy to trick-or-treaters?
I was ready for Trick Or Treaters when I first moved here and all I got was a lot of candy in my apartment bc no one came. This year I have to work for 2 hours and I'm going into the city for a Ghost Tour at the Ryman around 8 so not going to grab any.
The Ryman… as in the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee… as in the home of the Grand Ole Opry?!
On the question about trick or treating, you need to separate out people who just don’t give out candy vs. those that don’t get trick or treaters at their house. The no candy folks then need to be purged from the Tinaverse
What’s with this sudden urge to purge folks from the Tinaverse?
I plan to give out raisins to trick-or treaters. Two birds, one stone: less people this year once they realize what’s in the bowl, and surely even fewer kids next year.
We'll be giving out candy, but leaving it in a bowl outside to avoid contact. No idea how many trick-or-treaters we're going to get, but who's going to complain about leftover candy? It's not like we're giving out candy corn like some common dandy!
Well, you wouldn’t want to be some common dandy!
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
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Today’s title reference: “Don’t Look Back in Anger” by Oasis.