May 28, 2020.
Good Thursday Morning. The comments and questions continue to be fantastic, and I appreciate everyone’s time, effort and willingness to share. It makes this a better experience for us all, and it means you all get to hear a little less from me (phew!) and a little more from all the other users.
If you’re ready for today’s questions, click the Let’s Talk button to get started.
Share Tina! Give someone you love the gift of being heard.
A thoughtful reminder from one of our anonymous users to everyone else. Don’t be afraid to reach out.
I saw an old classmate's traumatic posts today. Just a reminder to everyone out there to always reach out if you need help because people do care even if you don’t
One anonymous user pointed out that the responses yesterday regarding the Electoral College were all largely in support of the institution, and that’s a function of the comments that were submitted.
I want to comment on the commentary presented in today's data summary. It appears that the only people who are really passionate enough to write long-winded statements about the electoral college are those who support it. It is ridiculous to say that moving to a popular vote would give "cities" more power - that is more compatible with the function of the electoral college which ends up awarding people in some parts of the country more voting power than others. It should absolutely be abolished! One person, one vote. Period.
Also, a few other notes from your fellow users:
Does anyone actually enjoy homeschooling their child? If so, can I send them mine?
I thought I’d help this anonymous user by highlighting. Any takers?
Can we get a riddle or joke of the day? User submits only?
“User submits only”? Are you trying to suggest I’m not funny? Ouch. But sure! If people submit funny jokes or riddles or whatever in the comments, I’ll share them. Why the hell not?
Please stop coronavirus and political questions
A few weeks ago, we talked about everyone’s favorite color. What else do you want?
Kidding aside, this is a push-and-pull issue. If we talk a lot about the coronavirus, many of you start asking (justifiably) for a reprieve. If we skip coronavirus and politics, many of you start asking that we talk about about them.
It’s hard not to touch on coronavirus and politics because they’re both so central to this common experience we’re all having, but sometimes we all need a break. If you’ve got random topics or questions you’d like to see answered, send them along!
Results from May 27, 2020
Question 1: How often do you watch, read or listen to news sources or commentary where you know you will disagree with the majority of the views presented?
Tina users are pretty open to other viewpoints!
I often listen to news broadcasts with opposing views so that I can get a sense of balance. I'm a registered Republican but have Democratic leanings. The hubs, however, is decidedly Republican. And while we may butt heads now and again, we try to remain open-minded overall. Admittedly, in terms of "balance," this year has been a challenge.
Question 2: Have you had a friendship or relationship end due to political disagreements?
The answer to 2 is a little complicated. I marked "no," but I've certainly had friendships damaged by political disagreements. But I've found most of these disagreements have very deep roots in character and culture. The best example I can think of is varying opinions on sexual ethics. I think it's hard for someone with a conservative disposition on sexuality to stay silent as his or her friend behaves in a way the conservative thinks is destructive. And I think it's hard for the more liberal friend not to feel judged or indicted by the conservative one. The same line of thought informed my answer to 3 (which was no). I don't care whether my spouse has differing views on, say, the estate tax, but I couldn't have married someone with political views diametrically opposed to mine. Again, though, that isn't because I value my political opinions so highly--it's really more because some of my "political" opinions are inextricably tied to my convictions on how kids should be raised, how I think people should treat each other, etc.
I haven't had friendships/relationships end over political views because I tend not to befriend people whose views are too different than my own.
I haven’t ended any relationships over political differences but I have blocked a couple folks on social media because their posts were too extreme and frequent.
Question #2 would have liked to have the choice “changed the relationship “ . That has happened quite a bit of late for family and friends
Question 3: Would you find it difficult to date or marry someone whose political views were different from your own?
In regards to being with someone who has opposite political views than myself: it really depends on what topic and where their rationale for whatever they support is coming from. If their viewpoint stems from willful ignorance, bigotry, and/or hate - that's a no. If their views are simply different in regards to spending, how involved the federal government should be in states, or international strategy, that's fine. I don't mind differing opinions, but I have a morality line I can't/won't cross.
To comment on the political differences in relationships. I have spoken with friends and family about this extensively. My husband and I are on par with just about every single political issue. On those we differ on, it is only slightly! I think similar political outlook is more important to younger generations because our political experience is wildly different from previous generations.
Before Trump, Republicans and Democrats seemed to actually care about our country. Now, neither party seems to care, and GOP policies are actually causing harm. Putting kids in cages? Cutting welfare systems that largely support children? Taking away healthcare? Taking money from our service members that was meant to improve on post living (on post housing has been awful and in need of renovation for some time) and using that money to build a f***ing wall?! Allowing racially charged, xenophobic, and prejudice policies to flourish. How can anyone who supports these actions call themselves a patriot? These shouldn't be political issues - BUT THEY ARE! The way I see it, politics has been forced into the center of our world - because no everyone is privileged enough to not follow politics. Having a partner who shares your values, your struggle, and your desire to contribute to a better society has become far more important as we see the helpers and the perpetrators split by party lines.
I have a lot of respect for couples that can stay together despite differences in political opinion, and I respect that people’s political views are largely shaped by their own life experiences, but personally, I wouldn’t be able to spend that much time with someone who fundamentally disagrees with my politics, especially because I don’t shy away from voicing my political views.
Question 4: Should Presidential candidates be required to announce their cabinet selections prior to Election Day?
Question 5: Who do you believe is the greatest President in American history?
Some took some issue with the question:
There’s no such thing
Ridiculous question. Anyone who makes this assertion should have a pretty dominating command of American History and culture to evaluate each American President through a comparable lens. I'm sure the Lincolns and Washingtons and Kennedys and Obamas will jump out based on various popular sentiment but is that any objective analysis of one of those against all of the others? What about the role of their cabinet, Congress, and the circumstances in which they operate--such as different legal authorities, global dynamics, national composition? Does their personal behavior matter? Does it matter only while they're in office? Do results matter or just the way in which they've governed? Does presiding over great success or great failure mostly unrelated to their actions result in "greatness"? Ugh. Facile. I haven't seen the answers yet and I am already disgusted.
I love this. This is why Tina users are the greatest.
Of course, these users are right. It’s not an objective analysis of anything but popular sentiment. We can assume each of those questions is factored into each individual’s choice — in varying degrees, of course, but it’s still just popular sentiment. But we’re just having fun, right? Right?
Typically, Lincoln and Washington are excluded from best presidents lists, so I'll be curious who gives out other than them.
This user was on point.
Lincoln (35%), FDR (19%) and Washington (12%) were the leaders, with a smattering of votes for Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. A number of you also said you don’t know or didn’t feel confident enough to make an assessment.
Wonder if Andrew Jackson is gonna haunt me for not picking him when I like 15 minutes from his house. Have only done the Halloween tour so haven't seen them twist "he was a great guy" too much.
Make it all the way through but forget to answer today’s questions?
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