Good Wednesday Morning.
The moratorium on “Wake Me Up When September Ends” appears to be broadly popular in the Tinaverse, though one of you asked we go a step further:
Can you place a moratorium on all Green Day songs?
I’d say yes, but I am one of those melodramatic fools, neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it.
did you see kid rock married loretta lynn?
I did, though it sounds like it’s already over. I was looking forward to the Coal Miner’s Daughter + Cowboy Remix.
Click on the Let’s Talk button to get started on today’s questions.
62 days until Election Day.
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Results from September 1, 2020
Question 1: For which Presidential ticket do you plan to vote this November?
Undecided jumped up at the expense of both Biden and Trump, while Hawkins, Jorgensen and “I’m not going to vote” also got a handful of votes.
Question 2: Are you comfortable or uncomfortable with the White House being used as a backdrop for a political convention?
This one split down partisan lines.
Trump / Pence Voters
Biden / Harris Voters
Third Party / Undecideds
About conventions at the White House: I said comfortable, but for this one. I would not normally be comfortable with this. Trump tried to have his acceptance speech at multiple other locations, but was stymied every time. The White House was not his first choice. This convention had to be different than those in the past because of COVID restrictions. Local, state, and national governments have been recommending people stay home since March. Trump decided to stay home as well. He addressed the people from the People's House. There's nothing wrong with that.
Re: RNC convention at the White House. There are federal employees who broke the law in the course of that. #HatchAct Do we not care about the rule of law anymore?
Question 3: Some on both the left and the right have called this "the most important election in our lifetimes". Do you believe this is the most important election of our lifetimes?
Trump / Pence Voters
Folks who don’t believe this is the most important election of our lifetimes cited 1980 (Reagan-Carter), 2008 (Obama-McCain) and 2016 (Trump-Clinton) instead.
Biden / Harris Voters
Every election is the most important of our lifetime... until the next one. Then the one after that. It’s a marketing ploy.
Maybe 2016, when we had the chance to prevent Trump from becoming President in the first place?
Third Party / Undecideds
While a majority of both Trump and Biden voters think this is the most important election of our lifetimes, undecided voters and folks supporting other candidates aren’t as convinced.
The current election is always the most important unless it's 1984.
Ask me in 100 years.
Perfect. September 2, 2120. It’s in already my calendar.
The 1860 election, not only for how fractured the country was at that time, but because of the candidate that was voted in, and who turned out to be the one to lead the country through the civil war, the emancipation of slaves, and ultimately the victory for the Union.
The question was about “most important election of our lifetimes”, but your historical point is taken.
Some other thoughts from around the Tinaverse:
It’s the most important election because many on the left did not want to accept the results of the 2016 election and they have gone off the rails. This is coming from a moderate.
Here is my serious concern: I believe that the Biden ticket would lead to the best outcome for america. However, there's a large component (primarily Q-Anon fringe) who are primed to not accept the outcome of the election, these are the same folks also likely to be part of the "boy" militia's (boogaloo, proud boy, etc). I'm seriously concerned that they will not accept the outcome and act accordingly.
About “the most important election” stuff- I think we’re in a free fall towards an authoritarian state. Whether the election actually impacts that remains to be seen. I was not old enough to vote in Bush v Gore, but looking back that was an extremely consequential election for Climate policy and that election going the way it did means we’re pretty far gone towards environmental ruin already. Nihilist? Who me?
Question 3: On a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), how do you feel about the following statement: Looting and the destruction of property is never justified.
That’s an average of 3.8.
For the question about looting and destroying, it fails to mention the main issue: what is being looted and destroyed. In the instances that are occurring in society today, people are looting random businesses in random places that have nothing to do with the alleged cause. Rather, people are looting expensive electronics, marijuana dispensaries, etc. for personal gain.
There is a major difference between I'm mad about racial injustice so I am going to go steal a bunch of new shoes from a random business owner who did nothing to me versus somebody with a personal vendetta against somebody, which could be justified, and retaliating against the party responsible for causing them harm. It is NEVER okay to harm people or businesses who did nothing to you and for no reason other than you don't want to pay for an earn the objects you are stealing that somebody else worked hard to earn and pay for.
Re: your question on looting: a lot has been written about this lately, but I think author Hanif Abdurraqib put it best in his medium article "America Returns to Its Violent Normal" with a near perfect subtitle ("Violence is only permissible here when it’s state-sanctioned"). He writes, "...violence is so often discussed only as action, and not inaction: Protesters in the streets, but not institutional neglect. Violence in this country is so often discussed in the present, without any historical context. Our country talks about a city on fire, but rarely about what had to burn and who had to be left behind for a city to exist in the first place."
Question 4: Finally, one member of the Tinaverse who recently lost power wants to know: What is the longest period of time you think you could go without power in your home?
Great question about power outage! Thank you fellow Tina-er. In terms of what I'm currently prepared for not nearly as long as I would be fine with given a little prep time (I enjoy camping so wouldn't mind the loss of wifi/tv, just need a cooking/food plan sans fridge/freezer)
Tina-er doesn’t quite roll off the tongue like Tinaverse, so perhaps we need to decide on a better name. But the folks in the Tinaverse are the best.
With the losing power question- food is too important. Not having a fridge is my biggest nightmare
the power outage question is tough. my husband and i have lost power quite a few times this summer. i feel like i could last longer without power if the outdoor temperature was manageable (not requiring HVAC). we also are lucky to have a gas stove so we can still cook during outages. i will say the pandemic complicates everything- not able to comfortably order/eat out, which happens a lot during extended outages.
I didn’t have hot water in my house for a whole year
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Title reference: “Homecoming” by Josh Ritter